Halévy: Clari (Adam Fischer, Orchestra La Scintilla)
*Fromenthal Halévy (1799-1862) *
Clari, Opera Semiseria in Two Acts (1828)
Cecilia Bartoli, Mezzosoprano
Adam Fischer, Orchestra La Scintilla
(Period Instrum...
Hace 2 horas
what a shame. I´ll miss you. Thanks a lot.
ResponderEliminarHeartily thanks for the wonderful music you distributed for free!
ResponderEliminarYou know about PIPA&SOPA??
ResponderEliminarIf U.S. Gov. close all filesharing sites I will stop posting. It was my job. I loved it, but I´m so sorry. M.O
Thanks for all these years of wonderful posts. I hope we will meet again somewhere in the net, we all love music and soon it will be a way to talk about it.
ResponderEliminarThank you so much for all the wonderful music! I will miss you a lot!!!
ResponderEliminarI am going to return here for some days, 'till I get used to these news... Thank you, many times, for your lovely blog that gave me so beautifull music!
ResponderEliminarToo bad Mo
ResponderEliminardon't desperate , be optimistic , this is not end of world , pray to god that US GOVERNMENT is not shut down and PIPA SOPA is not apply , don't close , please return , i miss you i will miss your blog forever , you make me happy for uploading beautiful recordings , it is not available in my country , don't desperate , there is hope to return to blogs and not buy cd's , blogs must survive
Hard to imagine the days coming without clicking to open your blog. But there will be other ways come up to post, be sure. The internet is a living, flexible community - the US government just out to protect the profit of their hungry companies. They are out to kill everything unless you comply to their dictate - but we are here to live! Bernstein once said: "We musicians and music lovers - we are all a big family." We are and we will find each other again... Take care and thanks for all your wonderful work!
ResponderEliminarDear Musical Offer, I am also saddened to learn that you will leave us. I want to thank you for so much beauty that you have given freely. All the best to you. love swamielmo
ResponderEliminarI am so Sorry...
ResponderEliminarthanks for everything :(
ResponderEliminarWeb censorship? dictatorship in the web?
ResponderEliminar"Where is freedom?"
Who will be next? wikipedia, youtube, Google...
I'm really sorry:)
Thanks you all for the support, M.O
i´m really sorry, in my country this beautiful music is impossible to obtain, your blog with its music made my life more happy... i only have to say THANK YOU! and THE MUSIC IS IMMORTAL!...
ResponderEliminarAs I know, PIPA and SOPA fall down in the American Congress. It is a pity that you stop, you are a generous and refined friend of the classical music. Thanks for all,
ResponderEliminarZoe Petre, Maybe I´ll back, but I need a good site to filesharing(upload)my files. All sites are closed, filepost, fileserve,uploadstation, filesonic, all have problems, and more. I hope better days will come!
ResponderEliminarRegards, M.O
I'm so sorry.
ResponderEliminarTake care.
Hello Mo
ResponderEliminarplease come back , don't give up , life goes on , i sent message to you for consolation , your blog is really treasure , your blog must survive not close , there is hope be optimistic
this is the darkest day for everyone. i'm so sorry. :(
ResponderEliminarSorry to see you go. Very best wishes to you.
ResponderEliminara boa música, a música sagrada, é um bem caro de se obter, mas com tuas contrinbuições eu aprendi muito sobre o assunto, e mais que isso : a música é deleite espiritual e estético...
fico muito triste ...
obrigado por tudo!
Agradeço por disponibilizar a todos o acesso as mais refinadas e desconhecidas vertentes da musica erudita. Sinto muito por este momento.
ResponderEliminarEspero que em breve consigas amparo para continuar tal trabalho. Obrigado.
Amigos, estoy tratando de encontrar una solución. Esperamos veros pronto! La cultura debe ser divulgada. gracias por el apoyo, Musikalische Opfer.
ResponderEliminarEsperemos que los tiempos se calmen un poco para que puedas regresar. Gracias nuevamente. saludos.
EliminarMediafire works beautifully. Anyway, whatever you decide... thank you for sharing that wonderful music :)
ResponderEliminarFriends, I am trying to find a solution. Hope to see you soon! The culture must be disclosed. regards, Musikalische Opfer
ResponderEliminarQuerido amigo, sabes cuánto estimo este blog magnífico que has sostenido hasta ahora. Respeto la decisión que tomes, cualquiera sea, pero recuerda que te voy a extrañar. Como alguien ha señalado más arriba, aquí ha sido posible encontrar obras de verdadero regocijo espiritual, y no me refiero únicamente a música sacra sino a toda música capaz de elevarnos fuera del trajín cotidiano. Un fuerte abrazo y no te dejes abatir! ;)
ResponderEliminarthank you very much for your blog. you helped me and many others discover a wonderful world of music. be happy wherever you are.
ResponderEliminarNo!!!!, please dont leave us, your music is amazing please keep sharing this amazing style of life
ResponderEliminarI wouldn't like to think that one of the best music blogs out there will finally close.I hope that you will keep the site open & let us know more gems of this wonderful music world.Whatever it may regards
ResponderEliminarLamento mucho este tiempo de ocultismo, agradecido por todo lo que ha compartido aquí, he disfrutado y aprendido muchísimo gracias a este sitio, un abrazo grande y espero volver a verlos pronto. Guillermo
ResponderEliminarLamento mucho tu retirada, espero que provisional y seguro que dolorosamente motivada. Pero hoy tengo que decir que este es el lugar donde más satisfacciones he obtenido de la música y la cultura en los últimos dos años, desde que lo conocí.
ResponderEliminarCasi cada día, fue un refugio frente a este mundo de ruido y furia, antes contado y ahora gobernado por un idiota. Hoy, los bárbaros parecen ganar terreno, pero nunca han dado jaque a la civilización. Siempre ha salido por arriba.
Gracias y hasta siempre!!
I still have all spoken to my friend Musikalische
ResponderEliminaralways be grateful for your excellent work and a very special way with your generosity has no limit,all hope that this ship is not wrecked
the real criminals and garbage of this world like the U.S. government obama and his band of criminals I teach at a university and the treasures I found in your and others but shared them with students Piracy understand how to make money for the work of others and think anyone here to this it's a shame that capitalists always impose their policies to the world I just hope to have a life to see his downfall as you know the story never makes a mistake born of empires rise and fall with for the good of all humanity early this capitalist empire came to an end.AAMEN
ResponderEliminarThank you!
EUA can kill all the inoscent people they want. Don't let them kill culture propagation.
ResponderEliminarI hope to wake up from this nightmare.This blog was, maybe, my favorite.
Thanks again. Music is the thing i love most.
Musikalische Opfer
ResponderEliminarplease note:
don't give up ;)
I am trying to reverse this situation a good file sharing, and that does not have connection to the U.S.. Some offer limit uploads. Others pose risks. Others offer cash rewards for downloads. I don´t accept any kind of profit from the disclosure or sharing of CDs, ""My work is nonprofit."" I am reviewing all proposals, "but we are going through a crisis in the Web", all blogs, websites, "und so weite".
ResponderEliminarBut,if U.S.Gov. close all filesharing sites I will stop posting.
Thank you all for your support and suggestions, and all words about me.
I hope you see all very soon!!
My kind regards, Musikalische Opfer
viejo gracias por todo ese tesoro musical q compartio y q descargue y disfruto libre como debe ser esta vaina....espero en verdad por todo lo q he visto q la situacion mejore...desde Colombia un fuerte abrazo
ResponderEliminarEstimado MILTON, el comentario de vídeo se ha eliminado, su participación es interesante, pero el vídeo podeia ofender a algunas personas.
ResponderEliminarGracias por su comprensión, Musikalische Opfer.
Corren malos tiempos salvo para algunos miserables que esperan réditos aún más miserables. Gracias de todo corazón y hasta pronto, quizás antes de lo que parece.
ResponderEliminarUn abrazo
No entiendo como puede ofender a las personas este video? es solo una ironia de los ultimos sucesos en el mundo.La cultura va mas alla de los conceptos politicos o religiosos y no pretendo ofender a nadie.Perdon Musikalische pensè que la censura solo venia de parte del FBI y su banda
ResponderEliminarAcabaram de tira do ar TODOS os outros sites do MULTIupload! não faz nem 20 minutos que baixei um arquivo pelo FILESERVE!
ResponderEliminarque noite negra!
Amigo Musikalische Opfer, agradezco enormemente todo el trabajo que te diste todo este tiempo en compartir tanta música maravillosa. Me apena que cierres este blog y estaré pendiente si algún día decides continuar con esta actividad en otro sitio. Por otra parte, quiero saber si eliminando los enlaces de multipload se eliminaban también aquellos que estaban en rapidshare, megaupload fileserve, mediafire, etc. ¿Podrán rescatarse alguno en caso que así fuera? Saludos. Un abrazo!
ResponderEliminarFRANCINO, gracias por las palabras. Yo ha borrado los enlaces,más rapidshare siguen funcionando( en breve yo eliminando los otros enlaces). No más SOPA,pero viene con la fuerza completa el "ACTA"
ResponderEliminarRegards, M.O
Thank you for sharing all this wonderful music with us. I will be eternally grateful to you because if it weren't for you and your generosity and hard work, I (and many others) probably would have never been able to discover and listen to some amazing artists and albums. I'm really, truly sorry that things ended up the way they did. I hope that someday you will share your music with us again. ACTA at the moment has no power, because it has yet to be ratified in the EU parliament which has objected to it in the past. It has stirred a lot of upheaval and controversy (look up "MEP quits ACTA charade in protest at EU signing") and chances of it being rejected completely during ratification are very high. Please, don't delete this blog all together, it is an invaluable source as a database. Thank you once again for all that you've done for classical music fans.
ResponderEliminarp.s. I made a profile just to post this, I had some problems with the openID so if there are a few comments from me that are the same, please delete them and sorry in advance ^^;
TYREA, thank you! 20 EU countries have signed the ACTA, but if is not ratified in EU I can re-post music( I try again). Who can submit news about ACTA and his development??. Regards,
You're welcome! :) I had the impression from your last comment that you thought that acta is a law now. As it is it's just a piece of paper (which means that you don't need to delete links that are still working, unless you want to). I think that I've read somewhere that the ratification will take place in summer. People in the EU are protesting and signing petitions, and seems that people in the U.S. are doing the same because the way it was signed there was unconstitutional, so we have to hope for the best!
ResponderEliminarI will inform you of any significant news, but of course I encourage others to do the same, it's the best way to keep up with the news!
please Mo don't give up life goes on , try to post beautiful cd as you promised me , everything will be ok , just be optimistic , i like your blog
ResponderEliminarDear M.O,
ResponderEliminarI know it's hard but don't give up. Just keep sharing your wonderful recordings. Please, keep hoping for the best.
Long Live to Musikalische Opfer!
Thanks for all the beautiful music you've uploaded...
ResponderEliminarThank you for all your beautiful gifts. I will miss you
ResponderEliminarUna gran pena... cuánto lo siento! hay que trabajar por el cibercomunismo! la cultura debe ser para todos los que quieran compartirla!
ResponderEliminarmil gracias por tu magnífico blog, eras mi referencia. Un abrazo desde España
Ainda hoje lamento profundo não ter mais este sítio para visitar. Continua nos meus favoritos e na minha memória "virtual" afetiva. Aqui exultei de alegria sincera. Sorri e me comovi. Além, tenho enorme gratidão pelo desprendimento dos realizadores deste. Muito, muito grato. Grande abraço.
ResponderEliminarAmigo, por favor.
ResponderEliminarEspero que leua esta mensagem!
Poderias disponibilizar a mim um disco chamado "A árvore de Jesse"?!ensemble Gilles Binchois!
Agradecerua de todo coração!
Amigo, por favor.
ResponderEliminarEspero que leua esta mensagem!
Poderias disponibilizar a mim um disco chamado "A árvore de Jesse"?!ensemble Gilles Binchois!
Agradecerua de todo coração!
Este blog alimentou minha alma como nenhum outro.
ResponderEliminarSaudades e gratidão eternas!
Este blog alimentou minha alma como nenhum outro.
ResponderEliminarSaudades e gratidão eternas!