Acabei de descobrir, estou estremamente triste! Sinto-me arrasado como quando descobri que Scott Ross também havia morrido há um tempo. Reqviescat In Pace, senhor cravista!
For all the lovers of Medieval, Sacred, Renaissance and Baroque music.
This blog doesn't have intention of stimulating the piracy on the contrary, it supports the artists by making their works available to the major possible number of people. If you liked any of the albums buy the original CD., but to share audio files without ends commercial or lucrative,the files here existent has character only cultural , who here does download is assuming the responsibility of deleting the file after their visualization or in the period of 24 hours and that if it likes of the material, will buy it, falsification is crime . Our purpose was never and nor it will be it of marketing the pleasure in hearing music, but to diffuse it and to share being of total responsibility of who is dowloading,I don't have any responsibility if those files are used in any other form. it cannot be sold, borrowed or to give the any person. therefore if somebody interests for the cd´s. They can be bought in the: /
Schumann, Bruckner - Giulini LAPO 1980
Of course Giulini is best known for his work on Bruckner with the Chicago
and Vienna orchestras, but this Ninth in Los Angeles is no less impressive, ...
Héctor Bianciotti: La muerte de Borges
Cuando fui a verlo en el mes de abril, Borges estaba en el hospital
cantonal, en cama, y sin embargo, al oírlo, cualquiera hubiera dicho que se
hallaba en ...
VIII Centenaire de Notre Dame de Paris
André Campra: Psaume "In convertendo Dominus"*
Pierre Desvignes: Te Deum*
Louis Vierne: Marcha triomphale per le Centeneaire de Napoléon I*
Pierre Cocherea...
Proklo Dijadoh: Hekati i Janusu
*Prekinimo našu pesmu, Muze, hor blagomatičnog kruga,*
*U čast Plotina mnogosličnog bogu. *
*Kad to što iskaza moja kitara zlatna poje blagovečno.*
*- Porfi...
Escritores españoles y sus influencias (en marcha)
*Pablo d'Ors*
"Leer a Kafka, a Kundera, a Thomas Mann, a Bernhard, a Zweig, a Roth es,
para mí, como estar en casa, y por eso vuelvo una y otra vez a el...
“Atitudinile macho prevalează încă asupra corectitudinii politice” Jan
12th, 2015 | By admin | Category: Dialogul de carte
*Pentru agenț, scr...
Canto Gregoriano - Nos Autem
[image: cruz]
* Gálatas 6,14*
*Nos áutem gloriári opórtet in Cruce Dómini nostri Iesu Christi,in quo est
salus, vita, et resurréctio nostra,per qu...
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[image: cheryl cole hot wallpaper]
[image: cheryl cole hot wallpaper]
[image: cheryl cole hot wallpaper]
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Buena Vista Social Club - De Havana para o Mundo
Na década de 40, o clube de dança e música *Buena Vista Social Club, *da
cidade de Havana reunia músicos e compositores cubanos como Manuel
Los grandes éxitos de siempre, una y otra vez...
Ayer asistí al concierto ofrecido por Musica Angelica en la principal sala
de Santiago. Un evento que no debería provocar mayores comentarios en la
Bach: Works for Lute-Harpsichord
24 tracks - MP3 - RAR 128 Mb
Robert Hill, *Lute-Harpsichord*
1999 Hänssler
*Bach y el laúd están estrechamente relacio...
Descansa en paz, amado Maestro.
ResponderEliminarMany thanks and "Bonne Année 2012"
ResponderEliminarCarlos, M.O :(
ResponderEliminarHémiole, I wish you the same! Bonne Année,Bienvenue! dans mon blog, Merci, M.O :)
Acabei de descobrir, estou estremamente triste! Sinto-me arrasado como quando descobri que Scott Ross também havia morrido há um tempo. Reqviescat In Pace, senhor cravista!