Schütz's compositions show the influence of his teacher Gabrieli (displayed most notably with Schütz's use of resplendent polychoral and concertato styles) and of Monteverdi. Additionally, the influence of the Netherlandish composers of the 16th century is prominent in his work. His best known works are in the field of sacred music, ranging from solo voice with instrumental accompaniment to a cappella choral music. Representative works include his three books of Symphoniae sacrae, the Psalms of David (Psalmen Davids), the Sieben Worte Jesu Christi am Kreuz (the Seven Last Words on the Cross) and his three Passion settings.
Halévy: Clari (Adam Fischer, Orchestra La Scintilla)
*Fromenthal Halévy (1799-1862) *
Clari, Opera Semiseria in Two Acts (1828)
Cecilia Bartoli, Mezzosoprano
Adam Fischer, Orchestra La Scintilla
(Period Instrum...
Hace 2 horas
Excelente memoria, M.O. ;-) Muy feliz cumpleaños al gran genio de la música alemana antes de Bach! Larga vida a “Henricus Sagittarius” !
ResponderEliminarAmigo Quinøff, en bon alemán, Grüß dich !, podría nunca dejar honrar este gran compositor alemán y su contribución en historia de la música! Me uno a los agradecimientos! Salud y Saludos amigo melomano! :)
ResponderEliminarmil gracias Musikalische sublime esta obra de Schutz tu generosidad no tiene limites.tengo una peticion especial si puedes encontrarlo por favor
ResponderEliminareste disco es muy especial.saludos un abrazo.milton